What happens if I show up at the facility entrances with a bag that is not permitted?
Prohibited bags will be turned away from the facility well before they reach the entrance. The Oncenter does not claim check any type of bags. The patron will have the option of discarding the prohibited items into a nearby receptacle provided at the facility or the patron can secure the bag in the car, hotel, or other location of the patron’s choosing.
How many bags can each patron bring into the venue?
One large clear bag – either a one-gallon Ziploc style bag or the 12” by 6” by 12” clear bag. The larger clear bag must be a standard 12” by 6” by 12” made of clear PVC vinyl and is easily searched. The one-gallon Ziploc bag is readily available, inexpensive and easily searched.
Is my binocular case allowed?
No. Binocular cases, no matter the size, is specifically listed as a prohibited item. Therefore, a binoculars case of any size is not allowed inside the facility.
Are diaper bags permitted?
Yes, after clearing an appropriate seach upon entry. Diaper bags are ONLY permitted when a child is present.
Do I have to put everything I’m carrying into the permissible bags?
No. We are limiting only the type of bags carried into the facility, not the items that you normally bring to an event. Therefore, you can carry in your pockets or jacket, keys, makeup, feminine products, comb, phone, wallet (no larger than 4.5″ x 6.5″), credit cards, etc., if you choose not to put them in a clear bag. And you can carry a blanket over your arms, and binoculars and/or camera around your neck or in your hands without the case. You can use the clear bag to carry other items. You will continue to have the flexibility to bring a wide variety of approved items into the facility. Every member of your family may carry in a permissible bag.