Empower FCU Amphitheater Directions & Parking
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Directions & Parking

Empower Federal Credit Union Amphitheater
at Lakeview

490 Restoration Way
Syracuse, NY 13209

Parking Hours and Information:

  • Parking is located in the Orange Lot. Please follow directional signage and instructions from Law Enforcement, Security and/or Parking Team Members to expedite ingress & egress.
  • Amphitheater parking lots open at varying times, dependent on the show. For detailed information, please visit the concert's event page on our website. No exceptions will be made for early arrival or for guests who already have parking permits.
  • Lots will close two (2) hours after each concert.
  • All spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
    • No reserving of spaces is allowed and guests will not be allowed to purchase additional spaces.
    • Empower FCU Amphitheater at Lakeview will implement the one car, one space policy for parking cars.
  • All vehicles that do not park in a designated parking space or that do not follow the instructions of Parking Team Members are subject to being ticketed and/or towed (at the owner's expense).
  • No paneled or windowless vans or trucks will be permitted in any parking lots.
  • Absolutely no glass bottles are allowed within the venue or any of the venue parking lots at any time
  • For the safety of all guests, parking lot drive lanes must be kept clear with ample room for full access by emergency vehicles. Guests must immediately comply with any requests to remove personal items that are obstructing any driveways. Failure to comply may result in the removal of the vehicle at owner’s expense.

Please drive safely and allow ample time to reach your destination. We thank you in advance for your cooperation with our Parking Team Members and Sheriff’s Department to make your experience safe and enjoyable.

Parking Rates:

  • Passenger Vehicles:
    • $20.00 per vehicle
    • Accessible Parking for Guests With Disabilities - $20.00 per vehicle
  • Limousines - $65.00 (Additional information below)
  • Buses - $95.00 (Additional information below)
  • R/V Parking - $95.00, no hookups or services (Additional information below)
  • Premier Parking: rates vary per show; purchase in advance via Ticketmaster.com
Only credit cards and mobile payment options will be accepted for payment. Please have your payment method ready upon lot entry.


Prices are for single spaces for the purpose of parking one vehicle.
Fees subject to change without notice.

Premier Parking:

Premier Parking provides the opportunity to park in the west end of the Orange Lot, near the main entrance of the facility. The cost varies per show and is subject to change on the day of show.

Premier Parking can be purchased for individual shows in advance online via Ticketmaster.com / LiveNation.com or in person at Solvay Bank Box Office at The Oncenter in downtown Syracuse (760 S. State Street, Syracuse NY 13202).

When purchased, you will receive a ticket receipt for your order. Premier Parking Hangtags will be mailed out from the Box Office 14 days prior to the event and sent to the address we have on file. Hangtags are required to access the Premier Parking Lot on-site; your ticket receipt from the time of purchase will not gain you access to the Premier Lot on site without your hangtag.

Please note, online sales end 10 days prior to each show. Available inventory will be sold on site, while supplies last.

Limousine & Bus Parking:

Limousine and bus parking is located in the Orange Lot along the northern portion of the lot. This location is filled on a first-come, first-served basis. There are no reserved spots.

Limousines/buses are not permitted to use the shuttle circle, this is reserved solely for venue shuttles operated by CENTRO.

Limousines & buses arriving after all available spots are filled will be directed to parking elsewhere, as determined by Parking Team Members – this location may be outside of the Orange Lot entirely. A limousine is to have a license plate that reads "Livery" in order to park in the designated limousine parking spaces. SUV Limousines, Party Buses, vehicles more than 25 feet in length, and other over-sized vehicles designed to carry more than 14 passengers may be directed to park elsewhere, as determined by the Parking Team Members per event.

This portion of the lot will close one (1) hour after each concert. At this time any remaining limousines/buses in the lot will be required to exit the parking lot. Please notify your passengers and inform them to make appropriate plans to ensure their limousine/bus does not leave without them. Some delays can be expected entering and leaving the lot due to traffic.


Lakeview Point Landing:
Nestled along the southern shore of Onondaga Lake, Lakeview Point Landing provides boaters with a convenient access point to reach Onondaga Park’s West Shore Trail which runs directly through Empower FCU Amphitheater at Lakeview. (See the Lakeview Point Landing page for details.)

R/V Parking:

R/V parking will be designated within the Orange Lot. Parking Team Members will direct R/Vs to the proper location to park. R/V hookups and additional services are not available within Empower FCU Amphitheater parking lots. R/Vs parked within Empower FCU Amphitheater at Lakeview parking lots will not be permitted to expand sides or set up camp. Please keep in mind tailgating is not permitted.

For a list of local campgrounds with R/V parking & services, please visit http://www.visitsyracuse.com/hotels/campgrounds-cabins/.

Drop Off/Pick Up & Rideshares:

Drop Off / Pickup is located in the Pink Lot, off of State Fair Blvd. Please follow the directional sigange provided. Guests may then utilize the new pedestrian walkway to access the Amphitheater Main Gate (approx. 5-7 minute walk). Shuttles from the Pink Lot will not be provided.

View arrival path to Drop Off/Pick Up in the Pink Lot from 690W.

View pedestrian walkway from Pink Lot to Amphitheater Main Gate.

Parking Code of Conduct:

The parking lots at Empower FCU Amphitheater at Lakeview are for the convenience and enjoyment of all amphitheater guests. Tailgating is not permitted in any parking lots. Oversize vehicles will not be permitted to park in lots designated for passenger vehicles.

Every effort is made to create a guest-friendly environment that is safe for all to enjoy. Our valued guests play a large role in this. In order to maintain a safe and fun environment, Empower FCU Amphitheater at Lakeview asks that all concert attendees follow directions given by all staff including Syracuse Parking Services, ASM Global Management, Law Enforcement and Security Personnel. They are there to assist you and make parking safe and convenient for everyone. In the event of a parking lot emergency please call 9-1-1.

The Onondaga County Sheriff’s Department, Town of Geddes Police, New York State Police, Onondaga County Park Rangers and Westcott Security all play a vital role in securing Empower FCU Amphitheater at Lakeview. Any of these parties may patrol the parking lots at random to ensure that those who do not adhere to the parking guidelines and/or participate in activities that create an unsafe environment will be held responsible. This includes arrest, ejection, and/or having their parking and ticket purchasing privileges revoked. Thank you for your cooperation.


Tailgating is not permitted in amphitheater parking lots. Vehicles may occupy ONLY ONE parking space. Additional spaces are not available for purchase for the purpose of tailgating. Additional restrictions may apply. Disorderly guests are subject to ejection from the parking lot premises, revocation of tickets, and criminal prosecution.


FROM DOWNTOWN SYRACUSE: Centro runs an express service from the Centro Transit hub (downtown Syracuse) to the front circle/main gate of Empower FCU Amphitheater at Lakeview beginning approximately two (2) hours before each event and ending approximately one (1) hour after the conclusion of each event. Exact departure times may vary, please check Centro’s website for detailed information. Regular Centro fares will apply and all Centro passes and transfers will be accepted for this service.

NYS Fair Parking:

Parking arrangements, shuttling and public transportation adjustments are made to accommodate the NYS Fair. Please visit https://nysfair.ny.gov/your-visit/plan-your-trip/parking/ for specific details.

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